Write For Us

Are you passionate about sharing your insights, expertise, or experiences in government services, policies, and initiatives? Do you know how to write informative and engaging content that resonates with a diverse audience? If so, Sarkari Center welcomes you to become a valued contributor to our platform.

At Sarkari Center, we strive to provide our readers with accurate, insightful, and up-to-date information on government services, ranging from employment opportunities to public welfare schemes. Our platform serves as a hub for individuals seeking reliable guidance and resources related to government initiatives. By joining our community of contributors, you can play a pivotal role in empowering citizens with knowledge and awareness.

Submission Guidelines:

Before you embark on your journey as a Sarkari Center contributor, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with our submission guidelines to ensure a seamless and rewarding experience:

Quality and Originality:

We uphold the highest standards of quality and originality in all content published on Sarkari Center. We encourage contributors to craft well-researched, informative, and engaging articles that add value to our readership. Plagiarism or the use of unoriginal content is strictly prohibited.


Ensure that your submission aligns with Sarkari Center’s themes and focus areas, which primarily revolve around government services, policies, and initiatives. We welcome diverse perspectives and insights but prioritize content that resonates with our audience’s interests and concerns.

Proper Structure:

Organize your content clearly and coherently, utilizing headings, subheadings, and bullet points where necessary to enhance readability. Aim for a logical flow of ideas and arguments, providing readers with a structured and digestible narrative.

Word Limit:

While there is no strict word limit for submissions, we recommend aiming for a word count of 500 to 1500 to ensure conciseness and clarity. However, longer articles may be accepted if they offer comprehensive topic coverage.


Include relevant images, infographics, or visual aids to complement your written content and enhance its appeal. Ensure you have the rights or permissions to use any images sourced from external sources and provide proper attribution where required.

Author Benefits:

As a Sarkari Center contributor, you can enjoy a myriad of benefits, including:

  • Exposure: Reach a wide audience of individuals interested in government services and policies.
  • Credibility: Enhance your professional reputation as a thought leader in your respective field.
  • Networking: Connect with fellow contributors and industry professionals within the Sarkari Center community.
  • Opportunity for Collaboration: Collaborate with our editorial team on special projects or featured content.

Instant Do-Follow Backlink:

Contributors will receive a valuable do-follow backlink to their website or blog within their author bio, providing an opportunity to boost their online visibility and SEO rankings.

Submission and Review Process:

To submit your article for consideration, please email it to [email address] along with a brief author bio and any relevant images or attachments. Our editorial team will review your submission promptly and notify you of its status.

During the review process, we may provide feedback or suggestions for revisions to ensure that your content meets our quality standards and aligns with our editorial guidelines. Once approved, your article will be scheduled for publication, and you will be notified accordingly.

Thank you:

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all aspiring contributors who choose to share their knowledge and expertise with the Sarkari Center community. Together, we can empower individuals with the information they need to effectively navigate the complex landscape of government services and policies.

Contact our support team or check out our pricing page to see what links best suit you. You can also contact us directly through our support form at sarkaricenter.co.in.

We look forward to working with you!



So what are you waiting for? Contact to our email directly today and start sharing your ideas and expertise with the world of education. We look forward to hearing from you!